Article series of digital deepak internship….earn while you learn

Sasmita Panigrahi
6 min readFeb 4, 2021
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash


In week two of my internship program at digital Deepak, I got an article writing assignment. this article which you are reading now is apart of my assignment. my mentor Digital Deepak always encourages you to implement what you have learned, then learn more. let me share with you all what I have learned in my week two of the internship. actually, it is really difficult to explain even a week of learning, as we cover so much, it is really difficult to summarise each topic in just one article, I will try my best to explain the valuable lessons I learned in week two.

HOW TO MAKE ONE CRORE …i have learned the secret

One crore is such a big amount, but I have learned the simple calculation of money to earn this amount. mentor digital Deepak explains how one can easily plan and earn a big amount like one crore with the right mindset. he explains how with the right mental framework and proper execution any goal is achievable.

let me explain…if I have a product or service worth 1000 rs, then i have to sell my product to 10000 people to earn rupees one crore.


this could be a calculation.

this varies as per the product product valu changes then accordingly the target audience changes.



.Marketing fundamental

.Importance of communication skill

.Global economics and marketing

.Digital marketing vs traditional marketing

.Direct response marketing

.CATT marketing funnel

.Integrated digital marketing

.Personal branding

Marketing Fundamental…..

Here we are learning digital marketing, so needless to say marketing is the main essence of the topic. most people confuse sales with marketing, but there is a thin line in between. Deepak explains it in a simple way. he says marketing is a his lessons, he explains how most of us only focus on digital, not on marketing. our main focus should be on marketing because digital is only the medium we use to market our product. marketing is more than just SEO, social promotion, or selling.

Marketing starts even before product starts when we do market research to understand the needs, demand, and behavior of customers.

marketing is not just about selling, it is also about keeping an existing customer happy by communicating with them and solving problems, by giving them a proper solution, so that they can remain a customer for a lifetime.

the aim of marketing is to know the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.

marketing is a game perception never let marketing more important than the product.

Importance of communication skill

Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

communication skills play an important role in marketing. one should able to communicate with the customers/ audience in a simple manner. good communication plays a major role in creating trust. when the customer understands you in a better way it is easy to explain them and understand their needs.which results in building trust and create long-term association.

Global economics and marketing

Every entrepreneur should learn the basics of economics. the economy of a country goes down as the average age of the countries population goes down, so before starting your business first know the average age of that country if the average age of the country is good then start your business. debt creates money because if you take money from the bank then money flow in the market will increase, then it will cause inflation and it will increase interest rates. people will stop takin

g money from banks and they will start repaying money .then to distribute money into the market bank reduces interest rates. t following books are helpful in understanding the economy in a better way…

1)economics 101

2)currency wars


Digital marketing vs traditional marketing

Traditional marketing has created its place much before the existence of digital marketing, it is difficult to sideline the traditional way of marketing. Traditional marketing refers to any type of marketing that isn’t online. This means print, broadcast, direct mail, phone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. From newspapers to radio, this method of marketing helps reach a targeted audience. the radio has a reach to 65% of the Indian population the newspaper has a reach of 465million people. Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers. digital marketing is the best medium to reach the affluent English-speaking population with the spending power of 10 million users.

pandemic has created a special position for digital marketing, as it has taught by using a digital market in an organized way one can reach a global audience at a much lower price.

Direct response marketing

Direct response marketing is a type of sales technique designed to evoke an on-the-spot response and encourage a prospective customer to take action by opting in the advertiser’s offer. Unlike other marketing types, the direct response requires little or no time waiting to see measurable results.

CATT marketing funnel…key to success


[n]niche: your success and wealth depend on the niche you chose.

content: create useful content that attracts people from your niche.

attention: drive attention to your content using SEO social media paid ads and referrals.

trust: build trust with your audience.

transition: convert leads into customers with the natural sales method.


To choose the right niche we must and should consider three things in our brain those are





Integrated digital marketing is, as it sounds, the integration of multiple marketing strategies to form a cohesive online approach for your business. Here’s what it typically entails: web development and design. search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) Content marketing.


To build a personal brand everyone should know a few things those are

. personal brand gives rise to many brands from his or her influence.

.personal brand cannot be invested and cannot be sold.

.if you build your brand and someone best in that field also people will choose your brand.

.personal brand becomes influencer and brand ambassador for the brand created by him.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash


creating a personal brand requires three major things. learning, working, blogging. learning: learn a new skill through concepts facts and procedure to understand the concepts, remember those facts and practice those procedures. working: after learning we have to put our new found skills to work go from practice to implementation in the real world gives you a better understanding. blogging: write about what you have learned and experienced through your work.


The mass trust blueprint helps us to understand the iteration of blogger. every blogger starts his journey from learning. after that working on what we learn then blogging .after that direct consultation. then after that he/she will start mentoring students about what he learned through blogging.


here i am at my week two learning conclusion,i have shared what i have learned,hope this will help you understand the digital deepak internship programme in a better light.i am learning and understanding the nunence of digital marketing.



Sasmita Panigrahi

I am a blogger, author of a published book, vivid reader, content writer, artist, and entrepreneur. I love to write about various interesting topics.